Cover samsung i9070 galaxy s advance We sat down to eat at a restaurant after 13 weeks of lockdown c-cover samsung s6 3d-pdnjcg

by Wolfgang

In reality though, not much has cover samsung galaxy a5 changed for diners post custodia cover huawei p10 a hard lockdown, custodia per samsung s7 edge originale samsug except for a few additional tweaks to comply with the new safety rules. coque one piece Since Monday (29 June) gazetted directives from the Department of Tourism have allowed restaurants in South Africa to allow sit down dining again, as long as they adhere to strict social distancing protocols and sanitisation directives. boutique en ligne asics Restaurants had been under lockdown since the 27 March, only being allowed to open for delivery under lockdown level 4 in May. For many restaurant owners, having to close their doors custodia flip samsung a8 for three months, this has meant permanent closure of their business and livelihood, while many have survived on providing deliveries. So, it was in this strained environment that we donned our face masks and took a lunch break at our local Doppio Zero to relive custodia iphone 6 bmw the experience of dining out first hand. coque naruto The biggest point of contention under the current rules is that restaurants may not sell alcohol to sit down patrons. Nike Scarpe coque foot The manager of the restaurant explained to us that margins on food sales are around 4%, while alcohol sales bring custodia samsung galaxy j5 trasparente a much larger return. boutique en ligne asics With restaurants custodia cover samsung note10 plus under such severe pressure, removing such a key source of revenue makes operating impossible for some. The rules around alcohol sales are strict and even when ordering something like a steelworks (cola tonic, ginger ale, soda water and bitters) the tiny percentage of alcohol contained in the bitters makes it a no go. custodia pelle rossa iphone 6 We tried. nike air jordan 1 According to the manager, the restaurant is currently operating at relatively normal levels, with foot traffic at around the custodia per tablet 7 pollici samsung same levels seen in the weeks before lockdown though it remains custodia+iphone+7 at 30% capacity. Since opening for sit downs on Monday the restaurant has recorded, as is the protocol under the custodia iphone 6s harry potter new rules, around 780 dining customers. A big problem, the manager noted, is menu availability and menu planning, due to massive supply chain disruption and the uncertainty that persists. coque supreme Some menu items may not be available simply because suppliers are not running at full capacity, or may be limited due to slowdowns in their own supply chain. Chicago Bulls Jersey That uncertainty is set to continue for some time as the number of Covid 19 infections in miglior custodia samsung s8 provinces like Gauteng continues to climb towards peak levels cover iphone xs max with talk of a possible return to tighter lockdown restrictions on the lips of politicians. However, the manager assured us that restaurants are open for business. coque licorne Large notices let you know what you in forA key part of the new regulations is social distancing. Restaurants need to ensure that there is enough space between customers and waiting staff and reduce any point of physical contact. Nike Air Max outlet As per the regulations, restaurants should: Ensure that customers or guests queue at least one and a half meters apart behind each other or sideways; Where possible and for custodia cover samsung s10e instance while taking orders, waiting staff must stand at least a meter from tables. During our experience, as we entered the restaurant, we were greeted and led to our table (after sanitising at the door), never once coming into any close contact with the waiter. coque fairy tail Our cover iphone 5 amazon table was separated from others by a large pot plant. coque custodia cover fundas iphone 11 pro max 5 6 7 8 plus x xs xr se2020 C26467 MINI COOPER BADGE STICKER BOMB #1 iPhone 7 / 8 Case markings are there custodia per samsung s6 edge plus to maintain order Plants are used to segment the open spaces to ensure that foot traffic note 5 clear cover samsung is controlled Waiters and baristas do not crowd sales points or work stations While there were several patrons dining inside the restaurant, it was busier outside. cover iphone 11 stream However, all were seated at a safe custodia samsung galaxy tab a 7 pollici t285 distance apart. We ordered our food without fuss, apart from some unclear communication as a result of muffled speech behind masks, much to our awkward amusement. Where possible, tablecloths should be removed from tables.